Welcome to the Peel Park Class 1 Blog!

Welcome to the Peel Park Class 1 Blog!
We'll be using this page to keep you up to date with our activities and learning and to share some of our fun photos.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Counting Chicks

We counted groups of toy chicks in our numeracy work
Look at our chicks hatching...

EGGCITING NEWS!!! We have 8 Chicks!!

This morning, when we came to school, we found that 5 more chicks had hatched out overnight. Yesterday, 3 chicks hatched out during the day. 3+5=8
Their names are: Dave, Moomin, Shazza. Boo, Fozzie, Gonzo, Geronimo and Snowy.
They have moved from the incubator to live in the BROODER. They will stay there for a few weeks.
Unfortunately, 2 eggs have not produced a chick :(
Come and egg-amine the egg-tremely cute chicks!!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

They're Hatching!!!

Our first chick has hatched out!! Mr Fenney has called it Dave. Come to Class 1 to see Dave the Chick.

From February 28, 2012

Monday 27 February 2012

Sunday 26 February 2012


Chick eggs are coming to Class 1 this week! Everybody is welcome to come and visit us to see if they have hatched!

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Pancake Day

Today we cooked some scrumptious pancakes!! We created our individual pancakes by choosing different toppings. We also sequenced the instructions for making pancakes, so we knew what to do!